ホーム > ニュースリリース > 剰余金の配当(中間配当)に関するお知らせ / Notice Concerning Distribution of Interim Dividends from Surplus

剰余金の配当(中間配当)に関するお知らせ / Notice Concerning Distribution of Interim Dividends from Surplus



・1株当たり中間配当金 25円
・効力発生日 2021年12月5日

→ 剰余金の配当(中間配当)に関するお知らせ 

Axial Retailing Inc. hereby announces that a meeting of the Board of Directors convened on November 8, 2022 resolved to pay a dividend from retained earnings with the record date of September 30, 2022, as follows.

Dividend per share 25yen
Effective date December 5, 2022

For more information, please see the following file
→ Notice Concerning Distribution of Interim Dividends from Surplus