ホーム > ニュースリリース > 自己株式の取得状況に関するお知らせ / Notice Regarding the Status of Purchase of Treasury Stock

自己株式の取得状況に関するお知らせ / Notice Regarding the Status of Purchase of Treasury Stock



取得期間 2023年6月14日から2023年6月30日まで
取得株式の総数 102,600株
取得価額の総額 371,621,995円

→ 自己株式の取得状況に関するお知らせ 

Axial Retailing Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) hereby announces that it has repurchased its own shares under the provision of Article 156 of the Companies Act of Japan, as applied pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 3 of the same.

Purchase period : June 14, 2023 to June 30, 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
Total number of shares purchased : 102,600 shares
Total purchase price : 371,621,995 yen

For more information, please see the following file
→ Notice Regarding the Status of Purchase of Treasury Stock