● 水島 典子
・アクシアル リテイリング(株)
執行役員 品質安全部長
執行役員 品質安全部長
● 阿部 美和
・アクシアル リテイリング(株)
執行役員 TQM推進部長
執行役員 TQM推進部長
→ 役員の異動に関するお知らせ
Axial Retailing Inc. hereby announces that our Board of Directors, at a meeting held on August 8, 2023, resolved to make the changes of the Group’s Executive Officers.
● Noriko Mizushima
・Axial Retailing Inc.
Operating Officer, General Manager of Quality and Safety Management Dept.
・Harashin Narus Operation Service Ltd.
Operating Officer, General Manager of Quality and Safety Management Dept.
● Miwa Abe
・Axial Retailing Inc.
Operating Officer, General Manager of TQM Promotion Dept.
・Harashin Narus Operation Service Ltd.
Operating Officer, General Manager of TQM Promotion Dept.
For more information, please see the following file
→ Notice of Change of Executive Officers